Gave nr.7+8; søndag 24 august/"LIGHT ON LIFE'S PROBLEM'' ''GOD HAS A PURPOSE BEHIND
EVERY PROBLEM'' in between there were two dedication services.
God bless you all.
Gave nr.6: Name of mother;SARITA HANSDA Baby Name:- RAHEL |
Gave nr.5;Name of the Mother:- RENU SOREN
Name of the Girl child:- PRIYANKA , 04.05-14
Gave nr.4 ; Child Name:-Ruael Soren. Mother Name:-Sangita Murmu,27 april-14 |
Gave nr.3; Asha 2.mars-14, til sin datter Alishiba. Gratulerer. |
Nr.2;Stor glede da Torill Valde fra Norge delte ut nye gaver til unge mødre! |